Improving Our Neighborhoods For Our Youth

A 501(c)3 Organization – 86-3916305

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Our Mission

The Neighborhood USA Project is a historical documentary of DC neighborhoods of the 1960’s and 1970’s.

The goals of the documentary are to expound to young people the basic standard of moral living and to enlighten educate, empower, and bring positive and measurable change to our neighborhoods and communities throughout the USA through different mediums and platforms.

Our Vision

To improve our Neighborhoods for our Youth through mentorships and educational programs while building a positive legacy to guide their future.

Our Story

NUSA Project was birth out of a conversation between its co-founders Martin Quarles and John Nelson Jr. Both John and Martin are from S.E. Washington D.C.  Some 12 years ago circa we saw an opportunity to change our inner-city communities and the outlook of our youth. The streets and gun violence has taken and continues to take many of our youth.

The Goal of NUSAP

The goal of the documentary is to expound to young people the basic standard of moral living and to enlighten educate, empower, and bring positive and measurable change to our neighborhoods and communities throughout the USA through different mediums and platforms.

Help us achieve our goal by donating today.

This documentary will be for everyone especially for those Washingtonians who would like to take a glimpse into the past.

Neighborhood USA Project is always in need of volunteers and donations to assist with upcoming events, Vocational Training

Programs or mentoring a child. If you want to make a difference in your neighborhood or community then Neighborhood USA

Is the place for you. Please contact us at

You can make a difference through education, fundraising or volunteering.

Q: What can I do to help?

Neighborhood USA Project is always in need of volunteers and donations to assist with upcoming events, Vocational Training

Programs or mentoring a child. If you want to make a difference in your neighborhood or community then Neighborhood USA

Is the place for you. Please contact us at

Q: What can I/we do to make our communities better?

An excellent way to immediately see some change for the better is by organizing some activities that make the area more beautiful.

Not only does this drive up any tourism that there may be, but it’s also a great way to improve the locals’ perception of their surroundings and making sure that a place is the right place for anyone to live in.

Clean-up initiatives are a great way to get rid of the trash in the streets, and you can even encourage groups to plant in community gardens to make the place an excellent sight to behold.

Improving our Neighborhoods for Our Youth

Better Schools

More Funding

Better Playgrounds

Community Involvement

Less Traffic

Live Monitoring

Why are Neighborhoods so important?

Neighborhoods–whether in cities, suburbs, or small towns–are the level where people interact most regularly and naturally. Neighborhoods provide a ready-made forum for tackling problems like traffic, crime, or social alienation that seem too daunting to address on the national or municipal scale.

Schools in the area.

Schools are the cornerstone of our children's lives.

Recreation in the area.

Recreation allows our children to grow physically and socially.

Community working together.

Working together causes a sense of pride in your community.

What is a neighborhood?

A neighborhood is an area where people live and interact with one another. Neighborhoods tend to have their own identity, or "feel" based on the people who live there and the places nearby. Residents may have similar types of families, income and education level.

Coming Soon

Neighborhood USA Project is a historical documentary of Washington DC in the 1960’s and 1970’s displaying how everyday Life was for the youth growing up during this era. It was a historical time for the country. 

We witnessed the first man on the moon, The March on Washington, The Civil Rights Movement, The assassinations of Robert and John Kennedy, The 68 Riots, because of The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and so much more.

 It also explores the family unit during that time and the closeness of our Neighborhoods and Communities during this era through live interviews, historical pictures, news reels, the music during that time and so much more.


A documentary that tells the rich history of Washington, D.C. in the 60's and 70's

Become a Sponsor

Neighborhood USA Project would like to offer any person or organization a great opportunity to become a valuable Sponsor.

To support the making of the documentary and our Vocational Programs for our youth. As a valuable sponsor, your Company Banner will be showcased during Events and on our website.

For further information please contact our office at 240-899-3473 or by email at


The Sixties

It was a decade of extremes, of transformational change and bizarre contrasts: flower children and assassins, idealism and alienation, rebellion and backlash. For many in the massive post-World War II baby boom generation, it was both the best of times and the worst of times.


The Seventies


The hippie culture, which started in the latter half of the 1960s, waned by the early 1970s and faded towards the middle part of the decade, which involved opposition to the Vietnam War, opposition to nuclear weapons, the advocacy of world peace, and hostility to the authority of government and big business.

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